Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We had a Happy Halloween

Rodney's parents were here a few day before Halloween so we had a party and carved pumpkins. Carving pumpkins is not my favorite activity but it wasn't as bad as I thought. My kids must be growing up. A great time was had by all.

Rodney wanted to be the scariest Frankenstein ever. Of course he waited until three hours before we were leaving to go trick or treating to start on his costume. In town where you can not just run down to Walmart and buy things that you need Rodney is a pain on Halloween. He turned out ok but his big block of wood head that was chinked to his head fell off once and almost hit an unsuspecting trick or treater. Can anyone say lawsuit? I also only had white face paint and so I added food coloring to it for his face. Once we applied the makeup I washed my finger and it was stained green. I was hoping that Rodney was going to be stained green too. Unfortunately it all came off.
Jack was a very cute Harry Potter. Thanks to a Groupon his costume only cost $15.

Will was suppose to be dressed as a devil which if you know him personal was a great pick. Instead he ended up dressed as a very stubborn two year old which is a even better match.

Gracie decided she wanted to be a black cat. We had a great time taking pictures of her acting like a cat.

Samuel was a very handsome looking cowboy.

This picture was taken before we ever went trick or treating. He was having such a great time running around shooting every one it just wore him out.

Samuel was debating several weeks before Halloween about being Zoro apparently running around jabbing everyone with a sword is just as tiring as shooting them.

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