Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jack's Class Making News

Camera Issues

I have been having some camera issues like rechargable batteries not holding there charge so that when I think I have full batteries and go to take a picture the camera turns off. Also the battery compartment won't stay closed very well and so the camera is acting extra retarded. It is definitely time or a new camera. Anyway the point is pictures have been few and far between but this pictures is one of my favorties that we did take in March. Gracie and Madison were having great fun with the wigs. What do you think Grandma, Future hairdressors?

Jack Receives his Bear

At Pack meeting in March Jack received his Bear award. he worked really hard on his achievments. We had a lot of fun doing things like comparison shopping at the store and cooking meals and carving soap. Jack really likes scout and right now is working on his pinewood derby.
This picture is of Jack and his den. His leaders Brother and Sister Smith are so great. They raised 4 girls and so scouts is very new to them but they are so patient and do such a good job.

Happy Birthday Samuel!

Samuel had a great time celebrating his birthday. We had to make a trip to Boise the Saturday before his birthday so we decided to go to a park and have a picnic for his birthday. He was really excited because any park play in cascade for the last 6 months has had to be done in snow suits. It was a little windy but the kids played and played. I really wanted a good picture of Samuel for his birthday but him and the camera were both having a hard time cooperating. I guess this pictures is perfect because it matches his personality perfect.Will loved the park and ran and ran and ran all over.
I had to work the week of Samuel's birthday so we didn't have a big party. But I did manage to get a cake made. I came up with the idea and then convinced Samuel he wanted a baseball cake.