Friday, October 23, 2009

A few last trip pics.

Here are some pictures of what our room looked like on the ship. It was great to have a floating hotel. We could see lots of different places but we didn't have to pack our suit case and change hotels. It was great.

When we would come into our room at night the guys that cleaned our room had folded towels into cool animal shapes.This is the staff of the ship singing a goodbye song.
This was out favorite Waiter on the ship. His name was Putu and he was from Indonesia. He worked in the Italian restaurant on the ship and he would bring us cotton candy with our Gelato. Yes major sugar rush.
One of the days we just spent on the ship we all dressed alike, not on purpose. It was a lot of fun going on this trip with my sisters. I will always treasure having spent this time with them and seeing the things we saw together. Love ya Nicolle and Julie.
We had a great time and I think this picture says it all. We were tired and ready to go home.
Thanks mom for this great experience!!!!


Tracy Giles said...

Such a fabulous trip! Thanks for blogging about it. It was fun to read along.

pinoche said...

Putu our waiter was actually from Indonesia

pinoche said...

Putu our waiter was actually from Indonesia

Chels said...

Wow, you are lucky ladies and the look-alike pic is fantastic! You documented your trip so well and the pics are beautiful. What a relaxing and memorable time as sisters!