Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 5 - Katakolon, Greece

The fifth day of our trip we visited the port of Katakolon, Greece and Ancient Olympia.This was a house out in the country side between the port and Olympia. Being the wife of a builder I was interested in how they built their houses. Nothing was built from wood. They were all cement houses with stucko everywhere we went. I guess we won't be moving to Greece anytime soon.
We visited the site of the Ancient Olympic. Olympia was a place where people gathered for sporting events and religious worship. It was used from the 10th century BC to 426 AD.

There were ruins or temples and gymnasiums where the participants of events could practice and condition.

This is the ruins of a bath house.

This is where the olympic torch is lit and starts it trip around the world every Olympic year.

Here are the ruins of a temple to Zeus' mother.
This was the coolest part of Olympia the Stadium. The word Stadium is actually a term of measurement. It was so many steps o Hercules. This is the spot where the ancient olympics took place.
We thought that since we were here we should tryout for the olympics. As you can guess we weren't even close. Though I almost got Nicolle to run the whole length of the stadium to get a good picture.

After our visit to Olympia we went to a Best Western Hotel where we had some Greek snacks. I don't know if you can tell in this picture but one of the snacks was octopus tentacles. I had told myself before the trip that I was going to do things out of my comfort zone and try new things. octopus was a little to far for me though.
Julie on the other hand had no problem trying it. I think "It is rubbery" was her response. EW!
While we were enjoying our snack we were entertained by some Zorba dancers. They did some really cool things.
We all joined in with the dancers. I like to dance and I can two step and waltz but I was not so successful at Zorba dancing. I just can't wiggle my hips. We had a great time and burned off some of the thousands of calories we had been consuming on the ship. This was a fun and cultural experience.

After all that fun we headed back to the ship and did our laundry (Oh what fun!).
More Pics to come.


Jim said...

I have waited too long to check you blog, it seems! I had no idea you were taking a trip with your sisters. How exotic! It looks like a blast. Since I have no sisters, can I invite myself along for the next girl trip?

My cousin on the other side just got back from a 12 day cruise with her hubby and they went to some of the same places as you! I wonder if you crossed paths and didn't realize it. Although she looks just like me, so you probably would have noticed her if you saw her.

Jim said...

Sorry, it's not Jim. It's Meredith.

Tracy Giles said...

Wow, your trip looks amazing! I love all of your cool pictures! I wish I was there with you!

Shelly said...

The other day when I saw your mom in Williamsburg, we talked about your trip. Mostly about what she did with the kids. I asked how it was to leave your baby and come back to him. I'm just loving your description of your trip, though.