Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Free Fishing Day in Idaho

Rodney loves free fishing day because he really only likes to fish one day a year and this way he doesn't have to buy a license. Also Cascade has a great event for kids at a pond in town and it has become somewhat of a tradition. Rodney gets his fishing fix and the kids have great time.
This is Jack realizing he needs to develop patience if he wants to be a fisherman. The fish just don't bite fast enough for him.

Gracie enjoyed holding the pole for the first half hour we were there but then she learned she would rather play with worms and already caught fish rather than actually fishing. (see lower picture)

Samuel loved fishing. He just sat and sat holding that pole in the water. Rodney was not even paying attention to him and I saw a line that looked like it had a bite when we figured out it belonged to Samuel we ran to help him reel it in. He is the most patient of all the kids and it paid off.

Gracie used to be my most picky eater!

Will was trying to decided--Peaches or worms?

The kids each caught a fish and won a free fishing pole. It was a fun day!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I just love the picture of Jack. Glad it was a fun day. Cool poles!