Friday, December 5, 2008

For anyone that knows Samuel you know that he is a little difficult to deal with and is very fiesty. But what you might not know is that he has a very goofy personality and loves to make people laugh. He loves to pull funny faces when I am trying to get a good picture these two pictures were my favorite out of the pictures I took on this particular morning.

Gracie loves Will so much. She is constantly wanting to hold him and is a very good helper when is comes to caring for him. She is a good big sister.

Jack was so excited to have Will join our family. He is old enough now that he is a great helper when he is home and is always inventing these very funny nick names that aren't even real words. Jack is a great kid to have be the oldest in the family.

Rodney was trying to calm Will down and this is where he ended up. Can you say Father of the year. Just kidding Will didn't mind being in the basket at all.


Unknown said...

What a cute family! Are you traveling to Utah for Christmas? Congrats on the new cute baby, too.

Meredith said...
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Meredith said...

That's cute about Jack's nicknames for Will. It reminded me that Luke wanted to name Wes "Fellow" after he was born. We're not sure where he got that, but we gave it serious consideration. Okay, maybe not.