Monday, January 28, 2008

Trip back to Cascade

Gracie was quite the traveler. She had to be frisked at airport security because she had a metal belt that was connected to her pants and we couldn't take it off. She was a little nervous but took it in stride. She was so excited to ride an airplane.
Eating dinner at the airport while waiting for our plane.

After spending a few weeks in Utah to help my sister Nicolle we flew home. Gracie was excited. Samuel a little less so. They were great sports though and traveled very well. We were very glad to be back home but wish we were closer to our family so we could still be of help. We love eveyone so much and have learned a lot this last month. The biggest thing I have learned I think is that you shoud never take one moment of life for granted. Tell the people that you love that you love them every chance you get and live life to the fullest. I sure wish we could learn the lessons without the trials. Love you all.


the happyhowards said...

I agree, Rachel, about learning lessons without the trials! Your children are ADORABLE!!! I'm so grateful that Nicolle had you. Love ya,
Aunt Arlene

Tasha said...

Hey Rachel! It's Natasha. Great to see you and catch up on your family. You're not in Utah anymore? Where are you?