Monday, September 10, 2007


Peaches are the absolute best part of Fall. Here are my beautiful peaches I put up this year. It was the first time I had done canning by myself and after 81 quarts I consider myself an expert Well at least for peaches.


Ben and Robbie and family said...

How on earth did you do 81 quarts??? Amazing! I did 11 quarts of tomatoes by myself, and decided that it was too much work without another helper (hands that are less than 6 years old don't qualify as helper hands). BTW...Nothing makes me happier than to hear from you- on the blog, on the phone, or in person. Thanks for blogging so I can see what's going on with my far away friend.

Meredith said...

I'm so glad you have a blog too! It's fun to see pictures of your family. I can't believe how big Sam is. Was the tie-dying activity at the family reunion? I seem to recognize those people...
Can I add you to my links?